#DefendDACA Educator Resources Available!
Hello old and new friends of the ARTE Community:
Throughout the course of our work, we have frequently talked about “supporting” young people and “amplifying” youth voices for human rights change. We have talked about what it means to be a youth development visual arts organization, and today is our moment to truly step up with and for these young people. Now is the time we take a stand for the human rights that we so frequently talk about within our curriculum and throughout our workshops.
The work towards human rights change requires engagement across all members of our community. Today, I'm reaching out because we need you to act. ARTE proudly and frequently works with young, undocumented folks of color. Many of us on the team, myself included, have worked with young people who have been directly impacted by DACA. Its repeal, which has been announced this past week, will have dire consequences on their lives, the lives of their families, the lives of people within their communities, and our nation as a whole.

#ImmigrationRightsMural, East Harlem, Photo by: Corey Torpie
Understanding that youth, particularly immigrant youth, are the backbone of this organization, we are asking you to help us with the following:
5-10 minute action: Please call the White House today and tell them that “we need to protect and preserve DACA!” The direct link to the comment line can be found here.
15-30 minute action: Here is a list of a few other actions that you can take, ranging from contacting your member of Congress to using social media.

Actions for Educators:
Contribute to our social media campaign, “Thank you for being here:” Now throughout the month of September, we’ll be collecting anonymous notes of encouragement from educators to their immigrant students. More details are available here. Please share widely!
#DefendDACA New York City teach-in: In collaboration with the Art Education Department at City College, ARTE is sponsoring an resource sharing / teach-in to strategize how to teach art in defense of DACA. Please join us at on Wednesday, September 13th from 5:30-7:30pm at Shepard Hall Room 303 (third floor, please bring a photo ID). Friends and family members of all ages are welcome!
National curriculum call: Please join us on a 60-minute call as we will be discussing the ways that we can create a curriculum around immigration history, the history / defense of DACA/DREAM Act, and the work of immigrant artists and activists. We want to also create a space where educators can share resources on how to protect and keep our undocumented youth communities safe in the aftermath of the decision to end DACA. Sign-up form and details on the next call (Monday, September 18th at 8:30pm EST) can be found here.
Can’t join the teach-in or the call? Please feel free to contribute resources to the following collaborative document, which will be an open-sourced curriculum and resource list for educators, activists, artists, and others.
Lastly, please consider donating to our work. ARTE is now a 501c3 tax exempt organization and now folks can sign up to contribute recurring donations!
As always, thank you for your support of ARTE and the support of the young people who make ARTE all that it is.
In loving resistance and with great gratitude,

Marissa Gutierrez-Vicario, Executive Director
On behalf of the team at Art and Resistance Through Education (ARTE)