#30for30: Reflections on ARTE’s First Fundraiser
Saturday, November 8, 2014 was a memorable day for ARTE – as we brought together several members of our community, including new friends and old, to celebrate the work of ARTE, and raise funds for some of our upcoming programs. We are incredibly grateful for all the people who attended, donated, or spread the word about our inaugural fundraiser at The Penny Farthing.
Participants learned more about ARTE through various interactive education stations, including a community brainstorm that asked individuals their favorite art pieces. Here are some of their responses:
Any work by Kara Walker
Lady Agnew by John Singer Sargent
The Two Fridas by Frida Kahlo
American Windows by Marc Chagall
Parc Güell by Antonio Gaudí
Detroit Industry Mural at Detroit Industry of Arts by Diego Rivera
The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai
Adam’s Song by Blink 182

Along with the art brainstorm, we asked people to share their responses to the following: Can art change the world? Do you think art can change people’s lives? Here are some of our favorite responses:
Yes, art allows people to express ideas that they might not able to put into words and to do so can change their life and allow different people to connect on new and exciting levels!
Art is any expression of an idea, and that expression always changes its world.

Along with the stations, participants drank, ate hors d'oeuvre and cake, and had the chance to network with some of New York’s finest activists, non-profit and corporate professionals, and educators. ARTE was incredibly pleased by the outcome and consider it an incredible success!
We can’t wait until the next gathering! Until then, please feel free to use this space to contribute to our list of our favorite pieces of art. Or let us know, Can art change the world? Do you think art can change people’s lives? What do you think? You can also tweet your responses (@artejustice) or join the dialogue on Facebook!

If you like the photos, please visit the page of the photographer here.
#art #artandresistancethrougheducation #arts #artseducation #marissaagutiérrezvicario #socialjustice #youthdevelopment #fundraiser #thepennyfarthing #karawalker #ladyagnew #thetwofridas #americanwindows #parcgüell #theinheritanceofloss #adamssong #detroitindustrymural #johnsingersargent #fridakahlo #marcchagall #antoniogaudí #diegorivera #kirandesai #blink182 #newyork