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ARTE is a 2015 Echoing Green Fellowship Semi-Finalist!

Think Big. Be Bold. Drive Change.

These are the three requirements Echoing Green has for the social entrepreneurs it chooses to empower. This power comes in the form of: an $80,000 stipend, access to a number of partnerships and professional development opportunities, and joining the ranks of Echoing Greens’ broad and diverse network across the globe. These rewards are invaluable to a budding non-profit startup like Art and Resistance Through Education (ARTE).


ARTE caught the attention of Echoing Green through its unique intersection of youth development, human rights, and arts education. Out of 3,165 applications received, we are grateful to be honored with the distinction of Semi-Finalist, but ARTE aims to continue to exemplify the values of Echoing Green until we achieve our goals.

ARTE continues to “Think Big” by developing programs to scale up that includes influencing students in 10 U.S. cities within 4 states and eventually supporting and connecting harder-to-reach communities, including incarcerated young people. In all of its work and throughout its diverse projects, ARTE remains committed to supporting the achievement and leadership development of young people of color.


ARTE aims to make its reach worldwide just like the human rights concerns covered in our curriculum. Our vision is to have students in different countries connecting through an online portal and technology like videoconferences and digital murals to begin a dialogue about various human rights violations that plague our world today.

“Being Bold” is a prerequisite for organizations like ours that continually examine controversial human rights issues that affect our communities of color in the United States as well as our global neighbors. Our interest in large-scale public art projects such as murals and installations are a dynamic approach to spreading awareness of injustices. ARTE knows no bounds when striving to disrupt the status quo in regards to education.


ARTE intends to “Drive Change” by bringing human rights and arts education to underserved, low-income communities, where children of color are overwhelming represented like New York City. The need for arts education is great, as many U.S. cities throughout the country have been forced to cut their programs, or eliminate them completely. ARTE addresses this need by helping schools provide quality arts education for students who might have never otherwise received it. Lastly, during a project, students shared that they felt empowered and that they felt that they “had a voice.” These are the ideal outcomes of ARTE’s programs as we aim to shape our youth and continue to boost their achievement.

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ARTE 2014

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