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Molly Waterman

Molly is a rising senior at the New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, pursuing a degree in Studio Art and Urban Education. As a native New Yorker, Molly has a longstanding relationship with the Children's Aid Society and Greenwich House; she has grown from student to teacher, and enjoys passing on the art education she has learned from teachers before her. Molly spent a few years living in the United Arab Emirates, and has found her global experience to be insightful into a greater context of both art and education. She deeply believes in the unifying and empowering ability of the intersection between art and education, and hopes every child from every background will have quality access to both.


Molly's favorite piece of art is "East-West/West-East" by Richard Serra. It is a site specific installation in the Qatari Desert, consisting of four steel plates spanned over a kilometer. Molly had the opportunity to view and photograph the installation a few years ago.

ARTE 2014

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