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Michael Helou


Michael Helou started interning for ARTE during the 2014 academic year. At a young age, he remembers the manner in which certain human rights issues became publicized and eventually made their way to movie screens. This sparked an interest in learning the truth behind the fabricated Hollywood stories that were mended to fit a two-hour time frame. Michael's passion for art and his interest in social justice not only in a local sense but global as well, created a perfect fit for the organization. After joining this wonderful group of people, Michael was inspired by using art as a manner of communication. Michael hopes to start an ARTE club in his school. The end result of this club will not only be to educate young people about human rights issues, but to teach them how to express themselves and raise awareness in a simple but extremely effective manner.


Michael’s favorite art piece is The Execution of Lady Jane Grey by Paul Delaroche. Michael says, “All though most viewers see a dark, depressing depiction of an execution, I see something different. This painting is an indication of a corrupt government executing a fifteen year old girl for being a potential threat to Queen Mary's reign. Her innocence is not only depicted in this painting as Delaroche paints her fumbling towards the scaffold, but by the pure white attire she was wearing. This painting is a true indication of the corrupt and unethical government in England around the late 1500s.”

ARTE 2014

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