Diana Drogaris
Diana is a currently sophomore at Sarah Lawrence College where she is pursuing a degree in Urban Studies and Photography. Fascinated in the dynamic relationship she observes between people and the cities in which they live, her work in urban social justice is founded in the benefits she sees in community engagement. She is most drawn to exploring equal opportunities in housing through urban design and planning. Her vast appreciation for art as a tool of communication has happily led to her internship at ARTE. When she is not on a train commuting to and from New York City, Diana enjoys independently traveling around the country and takes her camera wherever she goes.
Diana's favorite piece of art is this photograph included in Matt Black's photo series, "Geography of Poverty." In the series, Black photographed the most impoverished communities in the United States. ​The caption of this photograph reads: "York, PA. Rainstorm. York is a town in York County, Pennsylvania. The population is 43,718 and 37.1% live below the poverty level. #geographyofpoverty (at York, PA)."